Middle East Committee

The Middle East Committee was established by Westmoreland's Executive Committee in the 1970s "to organize the study of issues involved in realizing peace in the Middle East." Since its establishment the committee has planned, implemented, and participated in activities for the congregation, other UCC entities, and ecumenical groups that focus on Middle East issues.

Statement of Purpose

The Westmoreland Middle East Committee strives with God’s guidance to engage all ages of the congregation in seeking peace with justice in the Middle East through education, advocacy, and action. Using a human rights-based non-partisan approach, together with global and local partners, we focus on understanding and challenging the root causes of injustice, inequality, poverty, and war in the region.     Approved July 24, 2016

Olive Oil Ministry

The Olive Oil Ministry, established in 2010, evolved from the Middle East Committee’s sale of olive oil at Westmoreland events begun a few years earlier.  The ministry is now an ecumenical partnership that includes more than 25 local congregations from eight different denominations.

By purchasing and selling Palestinian agricultural products these ministry partners support Palestinian farmers, promote peace and justice between Palestinians and Israelis, and raise awareness about the realities on the ground.

Palestinian products are available for purchase during social hour after worship on occasional Sundays or by arrangement with Robert Mertz (ramertz@gmail.com) or Pete Davis (daviscap2@mindspring.com)

Olive Oil Ministry – Selling Prices*

  • 500 ml Bottles – $ 25

  • One-liter Cans - PfP “Organic & Fair Trade” $ 40

  • Olive Oil Soap (150 grams) $ 7

  • Checks are preferred, payable to “Westmoreland Church” with “OOM” in the memo line.

video and audio recordings of select middle east committee programs: